An Apology, A Goodbye, And Possible Good News

So first off, the apology:

ASDFGHJKL I’m so sorry I haven’t posted since like, forever!!!!!


And now, the goodbye… I feel like I can’t keep up this bog anymore because of things going on in my life at the moment. I’m really sorry if you’re upset by this, but here’s the good news, which will hopefully cheer you up!

I’m not giving up blogging altogether! Just this one! So you’ll find me… I promise 😉

I’ll put the link here later.




A Contradictory Purchase

Today I bought a kindle ereader. Now, if you’ve followed this blog you’ll have probably seen my post on how I preferred proper books to ereaders, and i still do, but I have been known to finish books in one sitting, so buying a book for the average price of ten euro seemed a little bit stupid for me to have finished it in a day…

So yeah, I tend to contradict myself a lot.

The Power of Changing the Buttons- DIY

Happy Christmas lovelies!

So this christmas, one of my aunts gave me an outfit which included a waistcoat. And I’m not arguing, I love the outfit! But the waistcoat was Plain Black and penultimately boring.

I have an auntie living in Oman, who sent me gorgey little buttons and beads and other pretties that I could use on my creative upcycling adventures, and this waistcoat made me seize the opportunity to have a quick day-after-christmas DIYing session…

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See? It’s an utterly boring, plain-as-the-nose-on-your-face waistcoat.

Probably made with the intention of department store staff wearing it as uniform.


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Switching up the buttons for AMAZINGNESS.



Jellicle Cat Handwarmer DIY

So as we all know, Christmas is around the corner! And now I’d like to share one of my Christmas present DIYs… a Jellicle Cat handwarmer! Now, for those of you who don’t know what a Jellicle Cat is, click THIS link. I am a true Jellicle 😉 Rumpleteazer to be exact…

(this DIY doesn’t necessarily have to be a Jellicle Cat, it could be any sort of a cat at all if CATS isn’t a big part of your life)

But here’s the DIY, enjoy ❤


You’ll need-  Jersey cotton (an old t shirt would do)

                           Medium to lightweight cotton fabric

                           3 buttons

                           Something to pad out the ears with, I used more of the jersey cotton 🙂


                           Needle and thread


1. Cut out two cat shapes from the jersey cotton and the fabric.

2.Sew these together (pattern side in of course) leaving a hole where you’ll be filling it with rice/ padding the ears.

3. Once you’ve sewn it all up, fold some of the jersey into the triangular shape of the ears and pad it out. Now, sew it down at the bottom so it doesn’t fall out.

4. Sew on the three buttons to make eyes and a nose for your Jellicle.

5. *this is the hard part, trying not to spill rice EVERYWHERE* Fill your cat with rice. and an afterthought I had, put a few head of lavender into it as well!

6. Now sew up the hole and you’ve got a pretty little Jellicle! Heat in the microwave for 2-3 minutes and keep toasty…




Well This Is Exciting

I just downloaded the wordpress app and now i can post on-the-go ! Fun 😀

Christmas Time

So I’ve finally started using my Pinterest account! I’ve had it for about six months and i haven’t used it until now… #shameful.

I also FINALLY got my camera working again, thankfully! we’ve had some very boring, photo-less blog posts recently, haven’t we?

And now, it’s Christmas Present Time… So excited to start making pressies again! So here are my top ideas, which will probably be made into gifts over the course of the month-

Vinyl bookends. I think I’ll be making a detour on the way home tomorrow to buy records ❤


DIY Tassel Scarf by A Beautiful Mess

This beauts tassle scarf from A Beautiful Mess


DIY Telephone Bookends

These vintage phone bookends, (i really love bookends) also from A Beautiful Mess


I have been so busy lately… if you follow this blog, you’ll know I am obsessed with musicals! And recently (aka, since May) I have been rehearsing for the musical CATS! Yes, the Andrew Lloyd Webber one, and I’ve loved every minute of it! I was Rumpleteaser, a cat who is; to quote; remarkably good at a smash and grab! between her and her twin, (played by my dearly beloved pal Aimee) Mungojerrie, there was quite a few robberies in the junkyard 😉

    I haven’t DIY-ed anything in sooo long, or even painted my nails for that matter, but I have a black dress that is in need of an uplift, so expect some prettiness soon xx

The Big Knit

Hello my lovelies! I’m sure at some stage in your life you’ve all had an Innocent Smoothie. yes? delish. But this year, I heard of a little thing called “The Big Knit”. This is where you knit a little hat for an innocent smoothie bottle and send it off to the people at Innocent, and they will be-hat a bottle and send it out to the shops, where for every smoothie that’s bought, 25c will be donated to Age Action Ireland. I thought this was amazingly cool.

    Now, how I came across this “Big Knit” is an odd tale. There happened to be only six people in my Home Ec class one day and our lovely teacher didn’t want to give a heavy workload to a mere six people- what a clever woman! So she produced knitting needles and a few balls of wool, and told us all about “The Big Knit” and taught us HOW to knit and here we are, in the blogosphere, as I record my journey through knitting-land! Yay!

First step- knit an awesome little mini hat using the instruction found HERE. Mine’s purple, naturally!

                                                                        You guys want to enter? Click up there, all the info’s on that page! 


Thats all I have done so far, but once I have it decorated I will post again!

Why I Like Ties

This post is dedicated to the humble but (in some peoples daily lives) essential tie, because I bought two today so I could make something fabulous! I really love ties, but I still can’t tie one…. but that’s okay! because there are about a billion other ways to use ties. And guess what? I’m going to share some of these ideas with you today! aren’t ye lucky! annie xo


DIY tutorials, eco-friendly neckties, sustainable neckties, recycled neckties, eco-fashion, sustainable fashion, green fashion, ethical fashion, sustainable style

A Camera Strap!!! I think this would be easy to stitch together of a rainy day, don’t you?

Pinned Image

I came across this on pinterest, and even though this particular piece is actually a necklace, I think it would also be nice sewn onto a top like that? Who else thinks so?

So, yes, ties are amazing.

Tim Burton Preview? Yes Please!

Okay, I just won preview tickets to Tim Burton’s new movie, Frankenweenie! Oh I am verrrrry excited, m’dears! If you have read past posts, you will know I am a MEGA fan of all things Burtonian, and this is just amayyyzing 😉

But I’m going to leave you with this random piece of information I just found out: Today is world porridge day.

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